But study finds while grade point averages are increasing at four-year institutions, that's not the case at community colleges, reports Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik
In the third blog from nominees for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year at the THE Awards, Philip Drake recalls his experience of setting up a legal advice clinic
In the second blog from nominees for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year at the THE Awards, Luke Burns calls on lecturers to embrace technology and a sense of theatre
Patrick O’Malley shares the secrets of his success in the first of a series of blogs from nominees for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year at the THE Awards
Interviews with MA students in UK suggest that although few agree with Chinese government line, compulsory courses dull development of independent thought
With Regent’s University London the latest to offer the US-style of undergraduate education, Natasha Turner looks at how courses are being received elsewhere
Times Higher Education's poll shows that the bulk of staff find their work rewarding but there is a deep gulf between academics and professional and support staff
Andrew W. Robinson on the sound pedagogical reasons to swap the industrial, identikit approach to teaching and learning for something less bloody boring