What can be done to improve work-life balance?

Advice and insight on rebalancing the working week to give HE professionals time for the important things in life

Work-life balance spotlight

It is well reported that university staff and faculty are frequently working an unhealthy number of hours in any given week. Often, this is to the detriment of relationships, family time, hobbies and other personal commitments – and, worryingly, the trend seems to be arcing upwards. This collection of resources offers everyday tips on how to redress work-life balance, advice on which areas of the job to prioritise when climbing the academic ladder and calls on management to do their part by putting employee well-being higher on the agenda and modelling positive behaviour.

You can have it all, just not all at once

It might just be possible to achieve a good work-life balance in academia, but it requires focusing on certain areas of your life and career at certain times, says Lucas Lixinski

Lucas Lixinski

UNSW Sydney

A helping hand